We are the funniest people i know

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Fresno City

Today i registered for Fresno City. I was a little annoyed with the system, because they had people with the last names a-l go first. So some of the classes were already gone by the time i got there. I know that Michael didnt get the math class that he needed. So i was mad that because our last name is in the 2nd half of the alphabet, we couldnt get a class that we needed. Well i didnt, but i was annoyed for Michael. It was easier then i thought it was going to be though. Although, i was a moron and got so excited about picking my classes that i forgot to think about work. So i have to go back and try to change three of my class times. Ooops. But hopefully that wont be too hard. I am excited though that i have Film 2 with Michael. Well, most likely anyways. He is number one on the waiting list. Which is actually a funny story because i registered a split second before him, and got the last spot in the class. ha. But the lady said that if you are in the top seven, you most likely get in the class. And since he is number one he has it. I am bummed tho that i do not have a class with kristin or justin. It would be cool if all four of us could have a class together, but our schedules are so different that it would be nearly impossible for that to happen.


1 comment:

Danica said...

that's so cool! I'm really glad that you're staying in town!