We are the funniest people i know

Thursday, May 24, 2007


So i was very excited about SUBA diving. But since i missed the first day, which were the lessons, i did not get to do. I was so bummed. So on tue i had to get in the water just to snorkle. I have snorkled before, its not that fun. I was very mad. All because i forgot to get my paper signed. But today, my teacher didnt make me get in. I got participation points just for helping set up the equipement and taking pictures. It was actually a pretty fun day in pe. It was a little sad that it was my last day in pe and english. But i shared some laughs with people in my class so it ended up being a good day.

(crazy i know)

1 comment:

Danica said...

wow...only one more day for you.....aww...that's really sad, I'm gonna miss seeing you at break all the time